Friday, July 6, 2012

Steve Jobs Visionary?

Fascinating to watch interviews with Steve Jobs back in 2003 and 2004 on D2 and D3. While many see Jobs as the commensurate visionary and forward thinking genius, watching several of these interviews paints another picture entirely. Answering questions on the development of cell phones, PDAs, and Tablet PCs, Jobs plays the skeptic. Adhering to his contention that the Mac and PC are the "digital hub" of all our content, Jobs insists that Apple is not interested in mobile phone, tablet, or cloud storage development. Jobs either sincerely had no plans at that time or was masking product development for the future. These interviews also appear to be the birthplace of his trademark product announcement format as he gets up and shows the audience his newly hatched iTunes legal download service in D1 and the new "Airtunes" base station to accompany the Apple Airport.

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